Family tree of Diane DUFRESNE
Singer & Musician, Painter
Quebec singer and painter
Born on September 30, 1944 in Montréal, Québec , Canada (80 years)
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Dufresne lived in Paris from 1965 to 1967 where she studied voice with Jean Lumière and dramatic art with Françoise Rosay. While there, she performed in noted boîtes à chansons such as l'Écluse, l'Échelle de Jacob, and le Caveau de la Bolée.
Dufresne lived in Paris from 1965 to 1967 where she studied voice with Jean Lumière and dramatic art with Françoise Rosay. While there, she performed in noted boîtes à chansons such as l'Écluse, l'Échelle de Jacob, and le Caveau de la Bolée.
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