Photo of Antoine DROUOT

Family tree of Antoine DROUOT

French Revolution & Empire, 19th Century

FrenchBorn Antoine DROUOT

French officer who fought in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

Born on January 11, 1774 in Nancy, France , France

Died on March 24, 1847 in Nancy, France

Family tree

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More information

Born in Nancy, France, the son of a baker, Drouot trained as an artilleryman and took part in the battles of the French Revolution where he rose through the ranks and was a captain of artillery at the Battle of Hohenlinden in 1800. ...   Born in Nancy, France, the son of a baker, Drouot trained as an artilleryman and took part in the battles of the French Revolution where he rose through the ranks and was a captain of artillery at the Battle of Hohenlinden in 1800.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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