Photo of Remi DRIEUX

Family tree of Remi DRIEUX

Bishop, cardinal

BelgianBorn Remi DRIEUX

First bishop of Leeuwarden and second bishop of Bruges

Born on 1518 in Volckerinckhove, Comté De Flandre

Died on May 12, 1594 in Bruges, Belgique

Family tree

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More information

In 1519 Drieux was born in Volckerinckhove, County of Flanders (now in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France), the son of Remi Drieux and Catherine Fenaerts. He studied civil law and canon law at Leuven University, graduating doctor of both laws and in 1544 becoming professor of civil law. In 1557 he was appointed to the Great Council of Mechelen, the highest law court in the Habsburg Netherlands. ...   In 1519 Drieux was born in Volckerinckhove, County of Flanders (now in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France), the son of Remi Drieux and Catherine Fenaerts. He studied civil law and canon law at Leuven University, graduating doctor of both laws and in 1544 becoming professor of civil law. In 1557 he was appointed to the Great Council of Mechelen, the highest law court in the Habsburg Netherlands.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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