Jacqueline AURIOL

Family tree of Jacqueline AURIOL


FrenchBorn Jacqueline DOUET

French aviatrix who set several world speed records

Born on November 5, 1917 in Challans , France

Died on February 11, 2000 in Paris , France

Family tree

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Born as Jacqueline Marie-Thérèse Suzanne Douet in Challans, Vendée, the daughter of a wealthy shipbuilder, she graduated from the University of Nantes then she studied art at the École du Louvre in Paris.

In 1938, she married Paul Auriol, son of Vincent Auriol who later became President of France. During World War II, Jacqueline Auriol, worked against the German occupation of France by helping the French Resistance.

...   Born as Jacqueline Marie-Thérèse Suzanne Douet in Challans, Vendée, the daughter of a wealthy shipbuilder, she graduated from the University of Nantes then she studied art at the École du Louvre in Paris.

In 1938, she married Paul Auriol, son of Vincent Auriol who later became President of France. During World War II, Jacqueline Auriol, worked against the German occupation of France by helping the French Resistance.

She earned a military pilot license in 1950 then qualified as one of the first female test pilots. She was among the first women to break the sound barrier and set five world speed records.

Her life story was told in her 1970 autobiography I Live to Fly published in the French and English languages.

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Geographical origins

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