Family tree of François-Annibal D'ESTREES
Marshal of France
Born François-Annibal D'ESTREES
French diplomat, military and Marshal of France
Born on May 15, 1572 in Paris, France , France
Died on May 15, 1670 in Paris, France
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François-Annibal was the son of Antoine d'Estrées and brother of Gabrielle d'Estrées, the lover of Henry IV of France. He was destined for the church but preferred a military career and joined the army as marquis de Coeuvres where he became Lieutenant General.
François-Annibal was the son of Antoine d'Estrées and brother of Gabrielle d'Estrées, the lover of Henry IV of France. He was destined for the church but preferred a military career and joined the army as marquis de Coeuvres where he became Lieutenant General.
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Geographical origins
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