Family tree of Marcel DE SERRES


FrenchBorn Pierre Toussaint Marcel DE SERRES DE MESPLÈS

French caver, geologist and naturalist

Born on November 3, 1780 in Montpellier, France , France

Died on July 23, 1862 in Montpellier, France

Family tree

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Professor of mineralogy and geology in the faculty of science at Montpellier University from 1809. He occupied this university chair for 53 years. His professional interests included the human and animal fossils of the caves of the south of France. At his end he contributed to the French state a large number of fossils of the region Languedoc. ...   Professor of mineralogy and geology in the faculty of science at Montpellier University from 1809. He occupied this university chair for 53 years. His professional interests included the human and animal fossils of the caves of the south of France. At his end he contributed to the French state a large number of fossils of the region Languedoc.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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