Photo of Marceline DESBORDES-VALMORE

Family tree of Marceline DESBORDES-VALMORE


FrenchBorn Marceline DESBORDES

French poet and novelist

Born on June 20, 1786 in Douai , France

Died on July 23, 1859 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

She was born in Douai. Following the French Revolution, her father's business was ruined, and she traveled with her mother to Guadeloupe in search of financial help from a distant relative. Marceline's mother died of yellow fever there, and the young girl somehow made her way back to France. At age 16, back in Douai, she began a career on stage. In 1817 she married her second husband, the actor Prosper Lanchantin-Valmore. ...   She was born in Douai. Following the French Revolution, her father's business was ruined, and she traveled with her mother to Guadeloupe in search of financial help from a distant relative. Marceline's mother died of yellow fever there, and the young girl somehow made her way back to France. At age 16, back in Douai, she began a career on stage. In 1817 she married her second husband, the actor Prosper Lanchantin-Valmore.

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Geographical origins

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