Photo of Donatien-Marie-Joseph DE ROCHAMBEAU

Family tree of Donatien-Marie-Joseph DE ROCHAMBEAU

French Revolution & Empire, 19th Century

FrenchBorn Donatien-Marie-Joseph DE VIMEUR

French soldier

Born on April 7, 1755 in Paris, France , France

Died on October 20, 1813 in Leipzig, Allemagne

Family tree

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More information

He served in the American Revolutionary War as an aide-de-camp to his father, spending the winter of 1781-1782 in quarters at Williamsburg, Virginia. In the 1790s, he participated in an unsuccessful campaign to re-establish French authority in Martinique and Saint Domingue. Rochambeau was later assigned to the French Revolutionary Army in the Italian Peninsula, and was appointed to the military command of the Ligurian Republic. ...   He served in the American Revolutionary War as an aide-de-camp to his father, spending the winter of 1781-1782 in quarters at Williamsburg, Virginia. In the 1790s, he participated in an unsuccessful campaign to re-establish French authority in Martinique and Saint Domingue. Rochambeau was later assigned to the French Revolutionary Army in the Italian Peninsula, and was appointed to the military command of the Ligurian Republic.

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Geographical origins

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