Photo of Marthe DE FLORIAN

Family tree of Marthe DE FLORIAN


FrenchBorn Mathilde Héloïse BEAUGIRON

French demimondaine (courtesan) during the Belle Époque

Born on September 9, 1864 in Paris , France

Died on August 29, 1939 in Trouville-sur-Mer, Calvados , France

Family tree

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More information

Marthe de Florian was born in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, eldest daughter of Jean Beaugiron (1837–1875) and Henriette Eloïse Bara (1844–1891), who had married in 1864. She had two brothers who did not reach childhood – Jules Louis Beaugiron (1866–1866) and Jules Beaugiron (1870–1871)- and a sister, Henriette Joséphine Beaugiron (1868–unknown). ...   Marthe de Florian was born in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, eldest daughter of Jean Beaugiron (1837–1875) and Henriette Eloïse Bara (1844–1891), who had married in 1864. She had two brothers who did not reach childhood – Jules Louis Beaugiron (1866–1866) and Jules Beaugiron (1870–1871)- and a sister, Henriette Joséphine Beaugiron (1868–unknown).

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Geographical origins

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