Family tree of Élisabeth DE RIQUET DE CARAMAN-CHIMAY


FrenchBorn Marie-Joséphine-Anatole-Louise-Élisabeth DE RIQUET

French socialite, known as a renowned beauty and queen of the salons of the Faubourg Saint-Germain in Paris

Born on July 11, 1860 in Paris , France

Died on August 21, 1952 in Genève , Switzerland

Family tree

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More information

Élisabeth was born in Paris, the daughter of Joseph de Riquet de Caraman, 18th Prince de Chimay (1836-1892) and his wife, Marie de Montesquiou-Fezensac (1834-1884). Through her father, she was a granddaughter of Teresa Cabarrús, one of the leaders of Parisian social life during the Directory, and a granddaughter of memoirist Émilie Pellapra, who claimed to be a daughter of Napoleon. ...   Élisabeth was born in Paris, the daughter of Joseph de Riquet de Caraman, 18th Prince de Chimay (1836-1892) and his wife, Marie de Montesquiou-Fezensac (1834-1884). Through her father, she was a granddaughter of Teresa Cabarrús, one of the leaders of Parisian social life during the Directory, and a granddaughter of memoirist Émilie Pellapra, who claimed to be a daughter of Napoleon.

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Geographical origins

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