Family tree of Marguerite DE SAVOIE
Born Marguerite DE SAVOIE
Dominican Sister, beatified by Pope Clement IX
Born on June 21, 1382 in Pinerolo, Torino, Piemonte , Italy
Died on November 23, 1464 in Alba, Coni, Piemonte , Italy
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More information
Margaret was the eldest of the four children—all daughters—born to Amadeo of Savoy, Lord of Piedmont (and titular Prince of Achaea), and his wife Catherine of Geneva.
... Margaret was the eldest of the four children—all daughters—born to Amadeo of Savoy, Lord of Piedmont (and titular Prince of Achaea), and his wife Catherine of Geneva.
... Margaret was the eldest of the four children—all daughters—born to Amadeo of Savoy, Lord of Piedmont (and titular Prince of Achaea), and his wife Catherine of Geneva.
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