Photo of Léopold DELISLE

Family tree of Léopold DELISLE

Sciences - Other

FrenchBorn Léopold Victor DELISLE

French bibliophile and historian

Born on October 24, 1826 in Valognes, France , France

Died on July 22, 1910 in Chantilly, France

Family tree

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He was taken on as a young man by the antiquarian and historian of architecture, Charles-Alexis-Adrien Duhérissier de Gerville, who engaged him to copy manuscripts in his collection, and taught him enough of the basics of paleography that he was able to gain entrance to the École des Chartes in 1846. ...   He was taken on as a young man by the antiquarian and historian of architecture, Charles-Alexis-Adrien Duhérissier de Gerville, who engaged him to copy manuscripts in his collection, and taught him enough of the basics of paleography that he was able to gain entrance to the École des Chartes in 1846.

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Geographical origins

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