Photo of Louis DELFINO

Family tree of Louis DELFINO

World Wars & Contemporary Wars

FrenchBorn Louis Barthélemy DELFINO

French fighter ace in World War II and a General in the French Air Force

Born on October 5, 1912 in Nice, France , France

Died on June 11, 1968 in Paris, France

Family tree

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More information

Delfino was born on 5 October 1912 in Nice. As a boy, his father was killed in World War I. Delfino entered Saint-Cyr military academy in September 1931, graduated, and was promoted to second lieutenant in 1933. He joined the French Air Force and, after earning his wings on 27 July 1934, began his flying career as a reconnaissance pilot. In 1939, shortly before the outbreak of World War II, he joined Groupe de Chasse I/4 (GC I/4) in Reims. GC I/4 was moved to Wez-Thuisy in August 1939, and Delfino, now a captain and adjutant of the unit, saw ...   Delfino was born on 5 October 1912 in Nice. As a boy, his father was killed in World War I. Delfino entered Saint-Cyr military academy in September 1931, graduated, and was promoted to second lieutenant in 1933. He joined the French Air Force and, after earning his wings on 27 July 1934, began his flying career as a reconnaissance pilot. In 1939, shortly before the outbreak of World War II, he joined Groupe de Chasse I/4 (GC I/4) in Reims. GC I/4 was moved to Wez-Thuisy in August 1939, and Delfino, now a captain and adjutant of the unit, saw little action in the opening months of the war.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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