Charles-Eugène DELAUNAY

Family tree of Charles-Eugène DELAUNAY

Mathématician, Astronomer, Geographer

FrenchBorn Charles-Eugène DELAUNAY

French astronomer and mathematician

Born on April 9, 1816 in Lusigny-sur-Barse, Aube , France

Died on August 5, 1872 in Cherbourg-Octeville, Manche , France

Family tree

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More information

Born in Lusigny-sur-Barse, France, to Jacques-Hubert Delaunay and Catherine Choiselat, Delaunay studied under Jean-Baptiste Biot at the Sorbonne. He worked on the mechanics of the Moon as a special case of the three-body problem. He published two volumes on the topic, each of 900 pages in length, in 1860 and 1867. ...   Born in Lusigny-sur-Barse, France, to Jacques-Hubert Delaunay and Catherine Choiselat, Delaunay studied under Jean-Baptiste Biot at the Sorbonne. He worked on the mechanics of the Moon as a special case of the three-body problem. He published two volumes on the topic, each of 900 pages in length, in 1860 and 1867.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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