Philanthropist, Politician in the French Ancien Régime
Born François Alexandre Frédéric DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD
French social reformer
Born on January 11, 1747 in La Roche-Guyon, France , France
Died on March 27, 1827 in Paris, France
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Known as the duc de Liancourt in infancy, he became an officer of carbineers, and married at seventeen. A visit to England seems to have suggested the establishment of a model farm at Liancourt, where he reared cattle imported from England and Switzerland.
... He was born at La Roche Guyon, the son of François Armand de La Rochefoucauld, duc d'Estissac, grand master of the royal wardrobe.
Known as the duc de Liancourt in infancy, he became an officer of carbineers, and married at seventeen. A visit to England seems to have suggested the establishment of a model farm at Liancourt, where he reared cattle imported from England and Switzerland.
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