Family tree of Anne DE JOYEUSE
French Ancien Régime
French soldier
Born on 1560 in Joyeuse, France , France
Died on October 20, 1587 in Coutras, France
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An intimate friend of Henry III of France, he was known as a minion and keeper of the king's chambers, with these serious responsibilities he also gained a number of privileges around the court such as wearing royal colors such as royal blue, purple, and red, also the right to wear jewelry of high majesties of the court such as a well known red ruby and diamond ring given to him by the king after having been taken away from Princesse Marguerite de Valois as a punishment for accusing Anne of trying to interfere with a meeting with a king
An intimate friend of Henry III of France, he was known as a minion and keeper of the king's chambers, with these serious responsibilities he also gained a number of privileges around the court such as wearing royal colors such as royal blue, purple, and red, also the right to wear jewelry of high majesties of the court such as a well known red ruby and diamond ring given to him by the king after having been taken away from Princesse Marguerite de Valois as a punishment for accusing Anne of trying to interfere with a meeting with a king as requested of her by Catherine de' Medici, he was also a member of the circle of young courtiers known as Les Mignons.
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