Family tree of Anatole DEIBLER


FrenchBorn Anatole DEIBLER

French executioner

Born on November 29, 1863 in Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine , France

Died on February 2, 1939 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

Succeeding his father, Louis-Antoine-Stanislas Deibler, as the lead French executioner, he participated in the execution of 395 criminals during his 54-year career. During his 40 years as lead executioner he was responsible for 299 beheadings. He is considered one of the most famous French executioners. ...   Succeeding his father, Louis-Antoine-Stanislas Deibler, as the lead French executioner, he participated in the execution of 395 criminals during his 54-year career. During his 40 years as lead executioner he was responsible for 299 beheadings. He is considered one of the most famous French executioners.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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