Angélique DE FROISSY

Family tree of Angélique DE FROISSY


FrenchBorn Philippe Angélique DE FROISSY

Comtesse de Ségur

Born on November 16, 1700

Died on October 15, 1785

Family tree

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Her mother was Christine Antoinette Charlotte Desmares (1682–1753), a beautiful actress ("tragedienne") of the Théâtre-Français who was painted by Jean-Baptiste Santerre.

Charlotte Desmares was a niece of Marie Champmeslé and one of the many mistresses of the regent, Philippe d'Orléans, around 1702, the year their daughter was born. Also born in 1702 was another illegitimate child of the duke, Jean Philippe d'Orléans, by a lady-in-waiting, Madame d'Argenton. Angélique's half-brother was legitimised in 1706, whereas Angélique was neither acknowledged nor recognized, although Madame du Prat erroneously states in her memoirs that she was recognized on April 22, 1722, the same day as the abbé de Saint-Albin, another illegitimate son of the Duke of Orléans by his mistress Florence Pellerin.

...   Her mother was Christine Antoinette Charlotte Desmares (1682–1753), a beautiful actress ("tragedienne") of the Théâtre-Français who was painted by Jean-Baptiste Santerre.

Charlotte Desmares was a niece of Marie Champmeslé and one of the many mistresses of the regent, Philippe d'Orléans, around 1702, the year their daughter was born. Also born in 1702 was another illegitimate child of the duke, Jean Philippe d'Orléans, by a lady-in-waiting, Madame d'Argenton. Angélique's half-brother was legitimised in 1706, whereas Angélique was neither acknowledged nor recognized, although Madame du Prat erroneously states in her memoirs that she was recognized on April 22, 1722, the same day as the abbé de Saint-Albin, another illegitimate son of the Duke of Orléans by his mistress Florence Pellerin.

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Geographical origins

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