Photo of Emmanuel-Armand DE VIGNEROT DU PLESSIS

Family tree of Emmanuel-Armand DE VIGNEROT DU PLESSIS

French Ancien Régime, French Minister and Secretary of state (before French Fifth Republic)


French soldier and statesman

Born on July 31, 1720 in Paris, Ile-de-France , France

Died on September 1, 1788 in Paris, Île-de-France , France

Family tree

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He was the son of Armand-Louis de Vignerot du Plessis, duc d'Aiguillon (1683–1750), and until the death of his father, he was known at court as the duc d'Agénois. He entered the army at the age of seventeen, and at the age of nineteen was made colonel of the regiment of Brie. His marriage in 1740 with Louise Félicité de Brehan, daughter of the Comte de Plélo, coupled with his connection with the Richelieu family, gave him an important place at court. ...   He was the son of Armand-Louis de Vignerot du Plessis, duc d'Aiguillon (1683–1750), and until the death of his father, he was known at court as the duc d'Agénois. He entered the army at the age of seventeen, and at the age of nineteen was made colonel of the regiment of Brie. His marriage in 1740 with Louise Félicité de Brehan, daughter of the Comte de Plélo, coupled with his connection with the Richelieu family, gave him an important place at court.

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Geographical origins

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