Michel CôTé

Family tree of Michel CôTé


CanadianBorn Michel COTE

Canadian actor

Born on June 25, 1950 in Alma, Quebec, Canada , Canada (74 years)

Family tree

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More information

Michel Côté is best known for his performance in the comedy Broue and his role in Omertà. A graduate of the National Theatre School in 1973, Côté won the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for C.R.A.Z.Y.. He had convinced Jean-Marc Vallée to film the movie in Montreal rather than the United States. He founded Broue with Marc Messier and Marcel Gauthier in 1979.

He is married to French actress Véronique Le Flaguais.

...   Michel Côté is best known for his performance in the comedy Broue and his role in Omertà. A graduate of the National Theatre School in 1973, Côté won the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role for C.R.A.Z.Y.. He had convinced Jean-Marc Vallée to film the movie in Montreal rather than the United States. He founded Broue with Marc Messier and Marcel Gauthier in 1979.

He is married to French actress Véronique Le Flaguais.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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