Warren Clay COLEMAN

Family tree of Warren Clay COLEMAN

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Warren Clay COLEMAN

African-American businessman, founder of the Coleman Manufacturing Company

Born on March 25, 1849 in Cabarrus County, North Carolina , United States

Died on March 31, 1904 in ? , United States

Family tree

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His mother, Roxanna Coleman, was of mixed race and held by planter Daniel Coleman, Sr. and his wife Mary (Mahan) Coleman she took their surname. His white father was Rufus Clay Barringer (1821-1895), then a young, unmarried attorney whose family lived near the Colemans. Barringer became a politician, and later a Confederate general during the American Civil War. ...   His mother, Roxanna Coleman, was of mixed race and held by planter Daniel Coleman, Sr. and his wife Mary (Mahan) Coleman she took their surname. His white father was Rufus Clay Barringer (1821-1895), then a young, unmarried attorney whose family lived near the Colemans. Barringer became a politician, and later a Confederate general during the American Civil War.

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Geographical origins

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