Family tree of Jean CLOUET


FrenchBorn Jean CLOUET

Miniaturist and painter who worked in France during the Renaissance

Born on 1480 in Bruxelles, Belgique , Belgium

Died on January 1, 1541 in Paris, France

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More information

louet may have been born in the Netherlands region around Valenciennes, France.

The authentic presence of this artist at the French court is first mentioned in 1516, the second year of the reign of Francis I. By a deed of gift made by the king to the artist's son of his father's estate, which had escheated to the crown, we learn that he was not actually a Frenchman, and never naturalized. He is supposed to have been a native of the Low Countries, and probably his real name was Clowet. He lived several years in Tours, and there it was he met his wife, who was the daughter of a jeweller.

...   louet may have been born in the Netherlands region around Valenciennes, France.

The authentic presence of this artist at the French court is first mentioned in 1516, the second year of the reign of Francis I. By a deed of gift made by the king to the artist's son of his father's estate, which had escheated to the crown, we learn that he was not actually a Frenchman, and never naturalized. He is supposed to have been a native of the Low Countries, and probably his real name was Clowet. He lived several years in Tours, and there it was he met his wife, who was the daughter of a jeweller.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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