Family tree of Georges CLEMENCEAU

French Minister and Secretary of state (before French Fifth Republic)

FrenchBorn Georges Benjamin CLEMENCEAU

French statesman, physician, and journalist

Born on September 28, 1841 in Mouilleron-en-Pareds, Vendée , France

Died on November 24, 1929 in Paris , France

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Clemenceau was born at Mouilleron-en-Pareds, Vendée, France. In Revolutionary times the Vendée had been a hotbed of monarchist sympathies but now it was fiercely republican. This town would also be famous as the birthplace of another famous politico-military figure in Frence history: Jean de Lattre de Tassigny.

Clemenceau's mother Sophie Eucharie Gautreau (1817 - 1903) was from a Huguenot family. His father Benjamin Clemenceau (1810 - 1897) was the village physician who hoped that his son would follow in his footsteps. A fervent republican despite being the grandson of the nobleman Seigneur du Colombier, the elder Clemenceau
...   Clemenceau was born at Mouilleron-en-Pareds, Vendée, France. In Revolutionary times the Vendée had been a hotbed of monarchist sympathies but now it was fiercely republican. This town would also be famous as the birthplace of another famous politico-military figure in Frence history: Jean de Lattre de Tassigny.

Clemenceau's mother Sophie Eucharie Gautreau (1817 - 1903) was from a Huguenot family. His father Benjamin Clemenceau (1810 - 1897) was the village physician who hoped that his son would follow in his footsteps. A fervent republican despite being the grandson of the nobleman Seigneur du Colombier, the elder Clemenceau fought in 1830 in the revolt against Charles X and later against Louis Phillippe. Arrested on the orders of Emperor Napoleon III after his attempted assassination by Felice Orsini, Clemenceau had been sentenced to exile in Algeria but was set free in Marseilles before the deportation order was carried out.

After his studies in the Nantes Lycée, Georges received his baccalaureat of letters in 1858. He then decided to enroll in medical school like his father. During his first few years in the Nantes school, as he himself pointed out, he was disruptive. He opposed the infatuation other students and faculty had with religion and the imperial ideals.

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Geographical origins

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