Family tree of Rahman ALI
Born Rudolph Arnett CLAY
American former heavyweight boxer
Born on January 18, 1943 in Louisville, Kentucky, USA , United States (82 years)
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Rahaman Ali is the son of Cassius Marcellus and Odessa Clay and is the younger brother of Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). Rahaman and Muhammad started boxing in a Louisville, Kentucky amateur boxing league. While his brother went to the 1960 Olympics Rahaman was not selected and remained amateur until February 25, 1964, the night his brother won one of his heavyweight titles over Sonny Liston.
Rahaman Ali is the son of Cassius Marcellus and Odessa Clay and is the younger brother of Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali). Rahaman and Muhammad started boxing in a Louisville, Kentucky amateur boxing league. While his brother went to the 1960 Olympics Rahaman was not selected and remained amateur until February 25, 1964, the night his brother won one of his heavyweight titles over Sonny Liston.
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Geographical origins
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