Photo of Eugène CHRISTOPHE

Family tree of Eugène CHRISTOPHE


FrenchBorn Elie Eugène CHRISTOPHE

French road bicycle racer and pioneer of cyclo-cross

Born on January 22, 1885 in Paris , France

Died on February 1, 1970 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

Eugène Christophe rode his first race when he was 18 and his last when he was 41 in 1926. He worked as a locksmith until racing took over his life.

...   Eugène Christophe rode his first race when he was 18 and his last when he was 41 in 1926. He worked as a locksmith until racing took over his life.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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