Photo of ALAIN

Family tree of ALAIN

Author, Philosopher, Journalist

FrenchBorn Emile Auguste CHARTIER

French philosopher, journalist, and pacifist

Born on March 3, 1868 in Mortagne-au-Perche, Orne , France

Died on June 2, 1951 in Le Vésinet , France

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More information

He adopted his pseudonym in homage to the 15th-century Norman poet Alain Chartier

In 1892, Alain graduated from École Normale Supérieure and received the agrégation in philosophy. He subsequently taught at various institutions: Pontivy, Lorient, Lycée Pierre Corneille in Rouen, and, in Paris: (Lycée Condorcet and Lycée Michelet). From 1903, he contributed to several journals using his pseudonym, Alain. He was most commonly referred to as "Alain" by his pupils and peers.

...   He adopted his pseudonym in homage to the 15th-century Norman poet Alain Chartier

In 1892, Alain graduated from École Normale Supérieure and received the agrégation in philosophy. He subsequently taught at various institutions: Pontivy, Lorient, Lycée Pierre Corneille in Rouen, and, in Paris: (Lycée Condorcet and Lycée Michelet). From 1903, he contributed to several journals using his pseudonym, Alain. He was most commonly referred to as "Alain" by his pupils and peers.

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Geographical origins

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