Photo of Marcel CERDAN

Family tree of Marcel CERDAN

Boxing, Medals - World champion, European champion, national champion

FrenchBorn Marcellin CERDAN

French Pied-Noir of spanish origin world boxing champion

Born on July 22, 1916 in Sidi Bel Abbès , Algeria

Died on October 28, 1949 in São Miguel Island, Azores , Portugal

Family tree

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He began boxing professionally on 4 November 1934 in Meknes, Morocco, beating Marcel Bucchianeri by a decision in six rounds. Cerdan then ran a streak of 47 wins in a row between that first bout and 4 January 1939, when he lost for the first time, to Harry Craster by a disqualification in five rounds in London. Cerdan campaigned heavily in the French territories of Algeria and Morocco during that part of his career, as well as in metropolitan France. In 1938, he beat Omar Kouidri in a 12-round decision at Casablanca to claim the French welterweight title. ...   He began boxing professionally on 4 November 1934 in Meknes, Morocco, beating Marcel Bucchianeri by a decision in six rounds. Cerdan then ran a streak of 47 wins in a row between that first bout and 4 January 1939, when he lost for the first time, to Harry Craster by a disqualification in five rounds in London. Cerdan campaigned heavily in the French territories of Algeria and Morocco during that part of his career, as well as in metropolitan France. In 1938, he beat Omar Kouidri in a 12-round decision at Casablanca to claim the French welterweight title.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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