Photo of Thomas CAVENDISH

Family tree of Thomas CAVENDISH

Explorer - 16th-18th century

EnglishBorn Thomas CAVENDISH

English explorer and a privateer

Born on September 19, 1560 in Trimley St Martin, Suffolk, England , United Kingdom

Died on January 1, 1592 in Possibly Off Ascension Island In The South Atlantic

Family tree

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Cavendish was born in 1560 at Trimley St Martin near Ipswich, Suffolk, England. His father was William Cavendish, a descendant of Roger Cavendish, brother to Sir John Cavendish from whom the Dukes of Devonshire and the Dukes of Newcastle derive their family name of Cavendish.

When Thomas Cavendish was 12 he inherited a fortune from his father's estate. After leaving school at age 17, he spent most of the next 8 years or so in luxurious living. At the age of 15 he entered Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, remaining for two years, but did not take a degree. He was a Member of the Parliament for Shaftesbury, Dorset, in 1584. In 1585 he sailed with Sir Richard Grenville to Virginia, gaining much valuable experience but losing money on his investments. He was a member of Parliament for Wilton, 1586.

...   Cavendish was born in 1560 at Trimley St Martin near Ipswich, Suffolk, England. His father was William Cavendish, a descendant of Roger Cavendish, brother to Sir John Cavendish from whom the Dukes of Devonshire and the Dukes of Newcastle derive their family name of Cavendish.

When Thomas Cavendish was 12 he inherited a fortune from his father's estate. After leaving school at age 17, he spent most of the next 8 years or so in luxurious living. At the age of 15 he entered Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, remaining for two years, but did not take a degree. He was a Member of the Parliament for Shaftesbury, Dorset, in 1584. In 1585 he sailed with Sir Richard Grenville to Virginia, gaining much valuable experience but losing money on his investments. He was a member of Parliament for Wilton, 1586.

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Geographical origins

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