Photo of Jacqueline CAURAT

Family tree of Jacqueline CAURAT

Television & Radio Host - French

FrenchBorn Jacqueline CAURAT

French television presenter and journalist

Born on July 23, 1929 in Croydon, London, England , United Kingdom (95 years)

Family tree

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More information

After a film career during the 1940s and 1950s, Caurat became an in-vision continuity announcer (or speakerine) for the ORTF's first channel.

For 22 years, she presented and co-produced Télé-Philatélie, a series about philately also co-presented by her husband Jacques Mancier. It was during this series that she interviewed high-profiled philatelists such as Prince Rainier III of Monaco and stamp designers/engravers.

...   After a film career during the 1940s and 1950s, Caurat became an in-vision continuity announcer (or speakerine) for the ORTF's first channel.

For 22 years, she presented and co-produced Télé-Philatélie, a series about philately also co-presented by her husband Jacques Mancier. It was during this series that she interviewed high-profiled philatelists such as Prince Rainier III of Monaco and stamp designers/engravers.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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