Family tree of René CASSIN

Lawyer, judge, Ambassador, Diplomat, Civil servant

FrenchBorn René CASSIN

French jurist

Born on October 5, 1887 in Bayonne , France

Died on February 20, 1976 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

Born in Bayonne, Basque Country, the son of a French-Jewish merchant, he served as a soldier in World War I. He formed the Union Fédérale, a leftist, pacifist organisation for veterans. During the Second World War he served in the Free French government-in-exile in London and between 1944 and 1959 was a member of the Council of State. ...   Born in Bayonne, Basque Country, the son of a French-Jewish merchant, he served as a soldier in World War I. He formed the Union Fédérale, a leftist, pacifist organisation for veterans. During the Second World War he served in the Free French government-in-exile in London and between 1944 and 1959 was a member of the Council of State.

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Geographical origins

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