Photo of Jacques CARTIER

Family tree of Jacques CARTIER


FrenchBorn Jacques CARTIER

French explorer of Breton origin who claimed what is now Canada for France

Born on September 23, 1491 in Saint-Malo , France

Died on September 1, 1557 in Saint-Malo , France

Family tree

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More information

Jacques Cartier was born in Saint-Malo, the port on the north-west coast of Brittany. Cartier, who was a respectable mariner, improved his social status in 1520 by marrying Mary Catherine des Granches, member of a leading family. His good name in Saint-Malo is recognized by its frequent appearance in baptismal registers as godfather or witness. ...   Jacques Cartier was born in Saint-Malo, the port on the north-west coast of Brittany. Cartier, who was a respectable mariner, improved his social status in 1520 by marrying Mary Catherine des Granches, member of a leading family. His good name in Saint-Malo is recognized by its frequent appearance in baptismal registers as godfather or witness.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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