Photo of Milton A. CANDLER

Family tree of Milton A. CANDLER

American politician, American Civil War, Mexican-American War, War of 1812, Lawyer, judge

AmericanBorn Milton Anthony CANDLER

American lawyer, Confederate officer and politician

Born on January 11, 1837 in Campbellton, Georgia , United States

Died on August 8, 1909 in Decatur, Georgia , United States

Family tree

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More information

Candler was born in Campbellton (then the seat of Campbell County but since 1932 in Fulton County, Georgia). He was the first child of the former Martha Bernetta Beall (1819-1897) of Bartow County, and her husband Samuel Charles Candler (1809-1873) of Columbia County and who served in both houses of the Georgia legislature. His great grandfather Col. William Candler (1730-1784) had led Georgia troops during the American Revolutionary War and later served as a state legislator. ...   Candler was born in Campbellton (then the seat of Campbell County but since 1932 in Fulton County, Georgia). He was the first child of the former Martha Bernetta Beall (1819-1897) of Bartow County, and her husband Samuel Charles Candler (1809-1873) of Columbia County and who served in both houses of the Georgia legislature. His great grandfather Col. William Candler (1730-1784) had led Georgia troops during the American Revolutionary War and later served as a state legislator.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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