Photo of Felisberto CALDEIRA BRANT

Family tree of Felisberto CALDEIRA BRANT

South American and Central American politician


Soldier and statesman of both Portugal and the Empire of Brazil

Born on September 19, 1772 in Mariana, Minas Gerais , Brazil

Died on June 13, 1842 in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil

Family tree

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More information

Brant was born in Portugal in 1772. He attended the Royal College of Nobles in Lisbon, eventually becoming an officer in the Portuguese army. Early in his career, Brant was sent to Angola, where he served as aide de camp to the royal governor there. ...   Brant was born in Portugal in 1772. He attended the Royal College of Nobles in Lisbon, eventually becoming an officer in the Portuguese army. Early in his career, Brant was sent to Angola, where he served as aide de camp to the royal governor there.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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