Photo of Tommy BURLESON

Family tree of Tommy BURLESON


AmericanBorn Thomas Loren BURLESON

American former professional basketball player

Born on February 24, 1952 in Crossnore, North Carolina , United States (72 years)

Family tree

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More information

Burleson is a native of Avery County, North Carolina. He was an All-American at Newland High School and Avery County High School, as well as North Carolina State University.

As a collegian, Burleson teamed with All-American David Thompson, guard Monte Towe and forward Tim Stoddard (who would go on to have success as a Major League Baseball pitcher) to dethrone UCLA and win the 1974 NCAA Championship.

...   Burleson is a native of Avery County, North Carolina. He was an All-American at Newland High School and Avery County High School, as well as North Carolina State University.

As a collegian, Burleson teamed with All-American David Thompson, guard Monte Towe and forward Tim Stoddard (who would go on to have success as a Major League Baseball pitcher) to dethrone UCLA and win the 1974 NCAA Championship.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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