Stephen BREYER

Family tree of Stephen BREYER

Lawyer, judge

AmericanBorn Stephen Gerald BREYER

American lawyer, jurist, and legal scholar, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

Born on August 15, 1938 in San Francisco, California , United States (86 years)

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After attending Stanford University, Breyer went to the University of Oxford on a Marshall Scholarship and then studied law at Harvard Law School. After a clerkship with Supreme Court Associate Justice Arthur Goldberg in 1964, Breyer became well known as a law professor and lecturer at Harvard Law School, starting in 1967. There he specialized in administrative law, writing a number of influential textbooks that remain in use today. He held other prominent positions before being nominated for the Supreme Court, including special assistant to the United States Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust and assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force in 1973. He also served on the First Circuit Court of Appeals from 1980 to 1994.

In his 2005 book Active Liberty, Breyer made his first attempt to systematically communicate his views on legal theory, arguing that the judiciary should seek to resolve issues in a manner that encourages popular participation in governmental decisions. He is generally associated with the Supreme Court's more liberal side.

...   After attending Stanford University, Breyer went to the University of Oxford on a Marshall Scholarship and then studied law at Harvard Law School. After a clerkship with Supreme Court Associate Justice Arthur Goldberg in 1964, Breyer became well known as a law professor and lecturer at Harvard Law School, starting in 1967. There he specialized in administrative law, writing a number of influential textbooks that remain in use today. He held other prominent positions before being nominated for the Supreme Court, including special assistant to the United States Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust and assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force in 1973. He also served on the First Circuit Court of Appeals from 1980 to 1994.

In his 2005 book Active Liberty, Breyer made his first attempt to systematically communicate his views on legal theory, arguing that the judiciary should seek to resolve issues in a manner that encourages popular participation in governmental decisions. He is generally associated with the Supreme Court's more liberal side.

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Geographical origins

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