Photo of Harry Lynde BRADLEY

Family tree of Harry Lynde BRADLEY

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Harry Lynde BRADLEY

Co-founder of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

Born on January 5, 1885 in Missouri, USA , United States

Died on July 23, 1965 in Milwaukee Co., Wisconsin, USA

Family tree

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He "became deeply involved in conservative causes", with "a strong sense of anti-communism animat[ing] his political beliefs". He supported Robert A. Taft for the Presidency in 1952, and Barry Goldwater in 1964.

The Foundation, however, remained relatively small-scale until twenty years after Bradley's death, with the billion-dollar sale of Allen-Bradley to Rockwell Automation, which swelled the Foundation's assets from around $14m to around $290m.

...   He "became deeply involved in conservative causes", with "a strong sense of anti-communism animat[ing] his political beliefs". He supported Robert A. Taft for the Presidency in 1952, and Barry Goldwater in 1964.

The Foundation, however, remained relatively small-scale until twenty years after Bradley's death, with the billion-dollar sale of Allen-Bradley to Rockwell Automation, which swelled the Foundation's assets from around $14m to around $290m.

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Geographical origins

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