Photo of Charles R. BLYTH

Family tree of Charles R. BLYTH

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Charles Reginald BLYTH

American investment banker, co-founder of Blyth, Witter & Co

Born on July 31, 1883 in Ashtabula, Ohio , United States

Died on August 25, 1959 in Hillsborough, California , United States

Family tree

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More information

Blyth was born in Ohio, and in 1905 he graduated from Amherst College in Massachusetts. In 1908, he moved to California. In 1922, Blyth returned briefly to the East Coast to serve as a pallbearer at the funeral for Amherst's president George Harris.

Blyth worked for financier Louis Sloss & Co. in 1910, where he met coworker Dean G. Witter. The Federal Reserve Act of December 1913 made Sloss unprofitable, and the company filed bankruptcy on April 1, 1914. One week later, Witter and Blyth formed the investment banking partnership Blyth Witter & Co., and asked other Sloss coworkers George Leib and Roy Shurtleff to join them as partners.

...   Blyth was born in Ohio, and in 1905 he graduated from Amherst College in Massachusetts. In 1908, he moved to California. In 1922, Blyth returned briefly to the East Coast to serve as a pallbearer at the funeral for Amherst's president George Harris.

Blyth worked for financier Louis Sloss & Co. in 1910, where he met coworker Dean G. Witter. The Federal Reserve Act of December 1913 made Sloss unprofitable, and the company filed bankruptcy on April 1, 1914. One week later, Witter and Blyth formed the investment banking partnership Blyth Witter & Co., and asked other Sloss coworkers George Leib and Roy Shurtleff to join them as partners.

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Geographical origins

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