Family tree of Bernard BLIER
Born Bernard BLIER
French actor
Born on January 11, 1916 in Buenos Aires, Argentine
Died on March 29, 1989 in Saint-Cloud, France
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His rotund features and premature baldness allowed him to often play cuckolded husbands in his early career. He is notable for being one of France's most versatile and sought-after character actors, performing interchangeably in comedies and dramas. His complete filmography includes 138 titles. He often appeared in Italian films too, particularly in the last decade of his life. He was awarded an Honorary César (the French Oscar) in 1989, 24 days before he died.
His rotund features and premature baldness allowed him to often play cuckolded husbands in his early career. He is notable for being one of France's most versatile and sought-after character actors, performing interchangeably in comedies and dramas. His complete filmography includes 138 titles. He often appeared in Italian films too, particularly in the last decade of his life. He was awarded an Honorary César (the French Oscar) in 1989, 24 days before he died.
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Geographical origins
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