Photo of Auguste BLANQUI

Family tree of Auguste BLANQUI

French Deputy, Senator, Constitutional Council member, Figure in the French Revolution of 1830 and 1848

FrenchBorn Louis Auguste BLANCHI

French socialist and political activist

Born on February 8, 1805 in Puget-Théniers , France

Died on January 1, 1881 in Paris , France

Family tree

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Blanqui was born in Puget-Théniers, Alpes-Maritimes, where his father, Jean Dominique Blanqui, of Italian descent, was subprefect. He was the younger brother of the liberal economist Jérôme-Adolphe Blanqui. He studied both law and medicine, but found his real vocation in politics, and quickly became a champion of the most advanced opinions. A member of the Carbonari society since 1824, he took an active part in most republican conspiracies during this period. ...   Blanqui was born in Puget-Théniers, Alpes-Maritimes, where his father, Jean Dominique Blanqui, of Italian descent, was subprefect. He was the younger brother of the liberal economist Jérôme-Adolphe Blanqui. He studied both law and medicine, but found his real vocation in politics, and quickly became a champion of the most advanced opinions. A member of the Carbonari society since 1824, he took an active part in most republican conspiracies during this period.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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