Family tree of SINCLAIR

Singer & Musician, Television & Radio Host - French

FrenchBorn Mathieu BLANC-FRANCARD

French musician and singer-songwriter

Born on July 19, 1970 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire , France (54 years)

Family tree

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Born in 1970 at Tours as son of Dominique Blanc-Francard and brother of Hubert Blanc-Francard (alias Boom Bass), Mathieu Blanc-Francard grew up in Paris and went to school at the lycée Janson-de-Sailly. He became interested in music as a teenager and missed his baccalauréat. He briefly worked in a recording studio as an assistant sound engineer and learned the guitar. At this time he formed his first band and chose his stage name. ...   Born in 1970 at Tours as son of Dominique Blanc-Francard and brother of Hubert Blanc-Francard (alias Boom Bass), Mathieu Blanc-Francard grew up in Paris and went to school at the lycée Janson-de-Sailly. He became interested in music as a teenager and missed his baccalauréat. He briefly worked in a recording studio as an assistant sound engineer and learned the guitar. At this time he formed his first band and chose his stage name.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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