Photo of Barend BIESHEUVEL

Family tree of Barend BIESHEUVEL

Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourger and Swiss politician

DutchBorn Barend Willem BIESHEUVEL

Dutch politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Born on April 5, 1920 in Haarlemmerliede, Noord-Holland , Netherlands

Died on April 29, 2001 in Haarlem, Noord-Holland , Netherlands

Family tree

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More information

Biesheuvel attended a Gymnasium in Haarlem from April 1936 until May 1940 and applied at the Free University Amsterdam in June 1940 majoring in Law and obtaining an Bachelor of Laws degree in July 1942. On 10 May 1940 Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands and the government fled to London to escape the German occupation. ...   Biesheuvel attended a Gymnasium in Haarlem from April 1936 until May 1940 and applied at the Free University Amsterdam in June 1940 majoring in Law and obtaining an Bachelor of Laws degree in July 1942. On 10 May 1940 Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands and the government fled to London to escape the German occupation.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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