Photo of Gilles BERTIN

Family tree of Gilles BERTIN

Singer & Musician, Bandit, burglar, crook, privateer

FrenchBorn Gilles BERTIN

French musician and singer

Born on March 25, 1961 in Paris , France

Died on November 7, 2019 in Barcelone , Spain

Family tree

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More information

Born in Paris on 25 March 1961, Bertin moved to Bordeaux with his parents as a teenager. In Bordeaux, he founded the punk band Camera Silens as a bassist and a singer. The band enjoyed significant success in the French punk rock scene. After he became a drug addict and tested HIV positive, he fell into delinquency. ...   Born in Paris on 25 March 1961, Bertin moved to Bordeaux with his parents as a teenager. In Bordeaux, he founded the punk band Camera Silens as a bassist and a singer. The band enjoyed significant success in the French punk rock scene. After he became a drug addict and tested HIV positive, he fell into delinquency.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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