Photo of Jacques BERNOULLI

Family tree of Jacques BERNOULLI

Physicist, Mathématician

SwissBorn Jakob BERNOULLI

Swiss mathematician

Born on December 27, 1654 in Bâle , Switzerland

Died on August 16, 1705 in Bâle , Switzerland

Family tree

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More information

Following his father's wish, he studied theology and entered the ministry. But contrary to the desires of his parents, he also studied mathematics and astronomy. He traveled throughout Europe from 1676 to 1682, learning about the latest discoveries in mathematics and the sciences under leading figures of the time. This included the work of Johannes Hudde, Robert Boyle, and Robert Hooke. During this time he also produced an incorrect theory of comets. ...   Following his father's wish, he studied theology and entered the ministry. But contrary to the desires of his parents, he also studied mathematics and astronomy. He traveled throughout Europe from 1676 to 1682, learning about the latest discoveries in mathematics and the sciences under leading figures of the time. This included the work of Johannes Hudde, Robert Boyle, and Robert Hooke. During this time he also produced an incorrect theory of comets.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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