Photo of Giovanni BENTIVOGLIO

Family tree of Giovanni BENTIVOGLIO

Italian politician

ItalianBorn Giovanni BENTIVOGLIO

Italian nobleman who ruled as tyrant of Bologna

Born on February 15, 1443 in Bologna, Italia

Died on February 16, 1508 in Milano, Italia

Family tree

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More information

Born in Bologna, Giovanni II was the son of Annibale I Bentivoglio, then chief magistrate of the commune, and Donnina Visconti. He was a child when his father was murdered by his rival Battista Canneschi in June 1445.

Annibale I was succeeded in Bologna by Sante I, of uncertain paternity and origin, but alleged to be a son of Ercole Bentivoglio, a cousin of Annibale I. Originally an apprentice of the wool guild of Florence, Sante ruled as signore of Bologna from 1443.

...   Born in Bologna, Giovanni II was the son of Annibale I Bentivoglio, then chief magistrate of the commune, and Donnina Visconti. He was a child when his father was murdered by his rival Battista Canneschi in June 1445.

Annibale I was succeeded in Bologna by Sante I, of uncertain paternity and origin, but alleged to be a son of Ercole Bentivoglio, a cousin of Annibale I. Originally an apprentice of the wool guild of Florence, Sante ruled as signore of Bologna from 1443.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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