Family tree of Ludovic ARRACHART


FrenchBorn Ludovic Marie René ARRACHART

French aviator

Born on August 15, 1897 in Besançon , France

Died on May 23, 1933 in Maisons, Eure-et-Loir , France

Family tree

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His long-distance flights made him a pioneer of intercontinental aviation. He notably beat two world records : first flying a Breguet 19 3,166 km (1,967 mi) from Étampes to Villa Cisneros in Africa in February 1925 and flying a Potez 28 4,305 km (2,675 mi) from Paris to Basra in Iraq (in 1926, with his brother Paul) in June 1926. ...   His long-distance flights made him a pioneer of intercontinental aviation. He notably beat two world records : first flying a Breguet 19 3,166 km (1,967 mi) from Étampes to Villa Cisneros in Africa in February 1925 and flying a Potez 28 4,305 km (2,675 mi) from Paris to Basra in Iraq (in 1926, with his brother Paul) in June 1926.

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Geographical origins

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