Photo of Gaston ALIBERT

Family tree of Gaston ALIBERT

Fencing, Gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games

FrenchBorn Gaston ALIBERT

Fencer, Olympic gold medalist, painter and decorator

Born on February 22, 1878 in Paris , France

Died on December 26, 1917 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

Gaston Alibert (February 22, 1878 in Paris – December 26, 1917) was a French fencer and olympic champion in épée competition.

He received a gold medal in épée individual and a gold medal in épée team at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London. Eight years before, Alibert already participated in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris placing seventh in the épée individual event. He contacted tuberculosis while at the front in World War I.

...   Gaston Alibert (February 22, 1878 in Paris – December 26, 1917) was a French fencer and olympic champion in épée competition.

He received a gold medal in épée individual and a gold medal in épée team at the 1908 Summer Olympics in London. Eight years before, Alibert already participated in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris placing seventh in the épée individual event. He contacted tuberculosis while at the front in World War I.

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Geographical origins

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