Photo of Giovanni AGNELLI

Family tree of Giovanni AGNELLI

Industrialist, Businessman

ItalianBorn Giovanni Francesco Luigi Edoardo Aniceto Lorenzo AGNELLI

Italian businessman, who founded Fiat car manufacturing

Born on August 13, 1866 in Villar Perosa, Piemonte , Italy

Died on December 16, 1945 in Torino, Piemonte , Italy

Family tree

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The son of Edoardo Agnelli and Aniceta Frisetti, he was born in 1866 in Villar Perosa, a small town near Pinerolo, Piedmont, still the main home and burial place of the Agnelli family. His father, mayor of Villar Perosa, died at age 40, when Giovanni was just five. He studied at the Collegio San Giuseppe in Turin; then embarked on a military career until 1893 when he returned to Villar Perosa, where he followed in his father's footsteps and became mayor in 1895 which he held until his death. ...   The son of Edoardo Agnelli and Aniceta Frisetti, he was born in 1866 in Villar Perosa, a small town near Pinerolo, Piedmont, still the main home and burial place of the Agnelli family. His father, mayor of Villar Perosa, died at age 40, when Giovanni was just five. He studied at the Collegio San Giuseppe in Turin; then embarked on a military career until 1893 when he returned to Villar Perosa, where he followed in his father's footsteps and became mayor in 1895 which he held until his death.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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