Photo of Gustave ADOR

Family tree of Gustave ADOR

Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourger and Swiss politician

SwissBorn Gustave ADOR

Swiss politician, President of the Confederation

Born on December 23, 1845 in Cologny, Suisse , Switzerland

Died on March 31, 1929 in Genève, Suisse

Family tree

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More information

Ador was born in Cologny, a municipality of Geneva. He was the grandson of Jean Pierre Ador, an immigrant from Vaud, who obtained his Genevan citizenship in 1814. Ador studied law at the academy (now the university) of Geneva, and in 1868 became a lawyer. ...   Ador was born in Cologny, a municipality of Geneva. He was the grandson of Jean Pierre Ador, an immigrant from Vaud, who obtained his Genevan citizenship in 1814. Ador studied law at the academy (now the university) of Geneva, and in 1868 became a lawyer.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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